So my garden is growing out of control! I planted a tiny little dying dill plant that I salvaged from the grocery store and all of a sudden it is almost 2 feet square…I have dill weed coming out my ears! So, putting a leeeet-le bit of it to good use I got creative. I baked rolls for our thanksgiving meal and thought I would offer up butter with a twist. I fell in love with this whipped butter that I had in Germany and thought I should try my best at recreating it. Well…it wasn’t like the stuff I had in Germany, but my spin on it was YUMMY nonetheless!
How to:
Put 2 sticks of unsalted butter (1c) softened but not melted in a stand mixer bowl and whip on med/high speed. Watch the consistency and stop when you like what you see
Once the consistency is just about right, add in 7-8 sprigs of chopped fresh dill, one chopped garlic clove and two pinches of salt (really you can add whatever you want, be creative!)
mix mix mix!
Then (if you really want to get fancy) scoop your mixture into a plastic bag, cut the tip off one of the corners and pipe into a dish of your choosing. I couldn’t find anything small enough other than my ramekins, but I thought they were cute! The butter just about doubled to 2 cups so I actually filled three ramekins. I have the other two frozen and they should keep for about 6 months frozen.