Several of you have commented recently that you miss my more “domestic” posts and lucky for you, as I am slowing down on the photography home front I am able to focus a little more on what goes on around the house! I really haven’t been diggin’ food the last few months (thank you raging hormones) so my cooking & baking has been limited. However, my garden didn’t get this memo and is growing like CRAZY! The only thing I lost over the winter was my basil, which I picked to death & made several batches of pesto before it called it quits. Everything else seems to have come back with a vengeance. I cannot keep my tomatoes upright, as they are too heavy for my wire support! Yikes! I just planted sweet corn, beets, spinach, lettuce, beans & carrots, and all are already sprouting, so hopefully we’ll have even more variety here soon! Here’s a look at what’s been blooming:
[on the left you see what happens to green onions when you don’t use them! they get beautiful flower balls on top! They are currently about 4 feet high & the flowering part measures about 3 inches in diameter! On the right is basil, from the top down.]
[anything red looks luscious…I snapped these after a heavy downpour…the light was just beautiful.]
Part of the reason for this post is also to enter myself in a contest for my favorite local maternity boutique. Bloom Maternity (where I recently purchased my beautiful diaper bag!) is holding a contest & giving the winner a Beaba Babycook, the coolest thing to hit the “green mama” market this year! ( you can check out the review here) This little contraption steams & purees fruits & veggies into baby food for those of us who strive to stay as natural as possible & make it ourselves. My goal is not only to grow some of my own food, but also to pass on a love of gardening & nutrition to my own children. What better way than to let them share in the production of their own food right from the start?!? My husband was raised with his own little part of his mom’s garden to grow food & since my father in law built me such a wonderful square foot garden, I plan to carry on this family tradition. See…told you I wasn’t just taking pictures! I’ve got lots of stuff “cookin” in this brain & the sudden insomnia I am experiencing is only allowing me to dive deeper into my crazy ambitions! Cross your fingers for me!