Living Room Thoughts…Out Loud.
So my husband thinks I have decorating OCD…once I have something to decorate it becomes all consuming for me, and it is all that I can think about…all day…all night. I admit, I lose sleep over it! Sadly, I have found myself awake in the middle of the night with pillows and paint on the brain. Everywhere I go, colors speak to me…from friends houses to doctors offices, my senses become heightened and I start to notice & seek inspiration from my surroundings. I really think this is my calling, which is why I am heavily considering an apprenticeship with a design firm when we make our big move. But until then, I have this giant blank canvas to work with…and I am obsessing over it. So you get to obsess with me…:P

The basic colors of the new home are so different from where I am currently living which is really making me want to completely start over. But…I am working within a budget so I am constantly reminded that my beautiful decor will occur over time. Thank god (husband will disagree here) I am going to be living a short drive away from one of the nation’s largest Pottery Barn Outlets!
I am currently working on the basic color in the home, and I am leaning toward grayish beiges (
Benjamin Moore Ashley Gray) vs. the pinkish beige (
Behr Comforting) I have now. I had to use pinkish beige to coordinate with the white wash cabinets I have now, but this shade does NOT go with the new cabinets I will have. Decorate around what you can’t change! With dark cabinets, dark appliances & dark floors I fear that a colors will make the room too overwhelming. A light color may do, but I am not much of a pastel person. I prefer deep earth tones, greens, oranges & nutmegs. So…the search continues.
Do you have a basic beige that you LOVE??? Please share if you do!!!

My kitchen is open to my dining & living area and I am focusing on that for now. We have a taupe microfiber furniture set, dark cherry tables & a beautiful huge new black entertainment center to work with in this room. I have been struggling with curtains since I have to have at least 6 matching panels, at least 96″ long (preferably 108″) and I shudder at the cost. Unless I can get fabric at a bargain and I can make them myself, they will have to wait. But, this is my inspiration so far, my couch is this color.