So…today I got proof that simply having a very expensive camera in your hands, doesn’t mean you can take an awesome picture. Lordy. I handed my “other’ baby off to my hubby to shoot and this was the ONLY picture that was even close to salvageable. Yowza.
FuzziBunz has decided to feature *me* in the Mama Knows section of their upcoming newsletter (!!!) & requested a picture of me & my girlie…PRONTO. I had just walked in the door from a trip to Nowlin’s (SEE THE AMAZING INOA COLOR!!!!!!) and the little miss was ready to hit the hay. We squeaked out a few smiles before our bedtime routine & whew, the rest is history. So, this is not my work, rather the work of my hubby. Not in focus. Feet cut off (I usually crop in camera, this was cropped further in photoshop). But hey, this is the first time he has taken a picture with any of my cameras. I’ll cut him some slack. His skill set includes slicing people open & fixing them up. Not taking pretty pictures…that’s my job. HAPPILY!
Want to subscribe to the FuzziBunz newsletter? Click HERE & look for the box in the upper right hand corner. Also, stay tuned here for an AWESOME starter kit offer if you are thinking about starting to Cloth Diaper your kiddo. You have to admit, these cutie patootie diapers might make you want to switch to cloth just based on looks alone, right??!?