Martha’s Warm Chocolate Cakes
Today is my husband’s birthday and to spoil his chocoholic side I decided to make him a super special cake for his birthday. Six cakes to be exact. The recipe for Martha’s Warm Chocolate Cakes was highly recommended to me by Ms. Maggie and I wanted to give it a whirl.
(I am not ignoring my husband on his birthday…I am sitting here laughing at him trying to bowl on his brand new Nintendo Wii!! It is so cool!!)
Back to baking…this was the most labor intensive, patience necessary recipe I have made in a while. I took lots of pictures of the gazillion steps. It turned out very well, though extremely rich. It was too rich for me, but the hubby loved it. :) Success! Here’s the process (it took a total of 6 hours):
Prepped & ready. I made the ganache & froze it in the tray. Took 2 hours to freeze solid:
This looked SO gross! I thought I did it wrong! I couldn’t find ground almonds so I threw sliced almonds in the food processor:
Egg Whites & sugar (really I just wanted to take a picture of my new mixer in action!):
Above two mixed then placed 3 TBS in the ramekin. Added the cube that will be the molten filling then covered w/ the rest of the batter:
Ready for the oven:
WOW!!! 20 minutes later:
And now the tricky part. I used PAM w/ flour which is a phenomenal product:
Final product!!! Ooey Gooey goodness. I wished I would have placed the cube vertical in the ramekin because the batter didn’t form well around the perimeter. Next time around…and the only pic I took was blurry. Grr! Still looks yummy!