Naming things has always been a struggle for me. This is likely due to my secret fear of commitment. (I get scared when I think of having to name my future children–there is so much in a name I don’t want to f-it up!) I have long thought this is the reason that I haven’t begun a blog…I couldn’t figure out what to name one. Why would anyone care what I have to say if I cant even think of a name to call my little corner of the Internet!?! Well…I found a name.
After one failed attempt to begin a blog with a name that shall remain a secret failure, here is my next attempt. Tres Chic is french for very fashionable, very stylish, very smart…and well…Tres Chic was taken so it is logical to add a “k” right? Since I am one fashionable, stylish, smart chick. Ok…enough about that…after all-it is JUST a name.
I hope to use this blog to share little pieces of me and my creative nature. To explore style successes and failures, creative genius and surely some blunders. I’d love your comments and stories so feel free to share. It’s a pleasure to be on here. Let the creativity begin!