Metadata: f/2.8, 1/125, ISO 5000
confession: I haven’t touched my camera since last week’s project 52. Nope. This is a cheat week. I took this last month on a very tumultuous trip back to the San Francisco Bay Area to visit my family. It was not fun…thanks to a very moody babe. I left early. It was that tough. & I am learning…that this age is not always blissful. But it sure can be amazing…even through the tears. Unfortunately, there have been plenty of tears lately. Hopefully being tough on her boundaries now will pay off later. Only time will tell!
Now back to my roller coaster…that is a saucy little two year old. ;) Happy Friday (despite the sad face)!
& if you happen to be new here & want to learn more about why my project 52 looks the way it does, head on over to
& here are the links to some of you who are doing this with me! Be sure to let me know if I missed you by adding a comment to this post. I promise to add you, as long as you link me back!
allenaim photography • Brown-Eyed Girl Photography • Bump Meet Baby • Capturing Memories • Capturing My Time • Cyan Baby Bliss • Confessions of a Baby Shopaholic • Fitori • Katie Clay Photography • Lizzi Loves… • McBabyBump • New Mom Adventure • Phreckle Face Photography • {rik-see} photography • So Much for My Plans • Surviving Endometriosis • The Buckeye Homestead • The VanDyck Family • Wicked Kate