styleberryFAQ | Cloth Diapers

Off we go! Today begins the first day of my FAQ series. I get asked all kinds of questions…over & over…and half of them I have responded to. The other half…well…please forgive me if you’ve ever sent me a message & never received anything back! I am not the best at promptly replying to emails! :[ There were SO MANY questions that I am breaking them up into a few days worth of nice organized subjects. We’ll start with Cloth Diapering, one of my very favorite things to talk about! If you have further questions that still have not received answers here, or in the comments section of this post, then add a comment below I will reply. :) Don’t be shy!

How did you organize your CDs? 

I kept all of mine in the dresser with the changing pad on top of it. They all were laying flat in a drawer, facing the same direction that I changed her. This way I could easily pull one up, to use one at a time. 

Which scent of RnG detergent you use? & which formula?

I’ve always bought Rage Against the Raspberry in Hard Rock (despite having a water softener.) I notice that there is absolutely zero smell after the diapers have been washed, so I think the scents are more for hype & fun than anything else. You can smell them in the bag, just don’t expect your diapers to smell like anything–and that is a good thing!

How do you store your Rockin’ Green?

In a cereal dispenser! That bag drove me nuts–as my hands were always powdery after I scooped out the detergent. I keep a long handled 1TBSP & 2TBSP measuring spoon in there. I can’t remember where the 1TBSP came from, but the 2TBSP is an espresso scoop from World Market.

Have you bleached your diapers?

I have not bleached the diapers, but I have bleached the inserts a couple of times. It works pretty well!

Have you ever done a soak? How?

Yes. I have soaked them & have to often, now that I am washing so infrequently (once a week-ish). Here is my very well tested perfect method, using LG front loaders:
How do you keep your CD’s looking brand new?

Good detergent is key! But I have also sunned them (as in literally placed them on the ground so the sun could bleach them out) when they looked a little wonky. It worked like a charm!

How long did you use the newborn insert?

I don’t remember–but I am guessing until it leaked!

What is going on with the mess when you don’t use the liners? Before solids?

I exclusively breastfed until 6 months old and because breast milk baby poop is water soluble, I threw the ENTIRE diaper in the wash. No liners. No rinsing. All of it! It was the easiest mess to clean of all!

Where can I get the disposable liners?

Oh, all over. I was never brand loyal. I never found any I loved. Baby Earth had these which I used–I only bought liners twice! (I cut them in 3rds & knew her #2 schedule so well once we started solids, that I could plan ahead & not use them all the time!)

Have you ever had bad problems with repelling with your FB’s? If so, what was your solution?

I have not had repelling issues, but I would advise anyone to (1) check that your detergent is CD safe (2) double check what else is being used in your washer to clean clothes (3) be sure there are no diaper creams/balms being used on the diaper (4) be sure you are not using too much detergent!

Have you ever had a diaper rash issue with FuzziBunz or from Rockin Green, if so what was your remedy?

I am so so so happy to say that my caroline NEVER had a diaper rash during her time in FuzziBunz. There were several times I can recall her looking a little bit red, and when this happened my go-to solution was Aquaphor. I think it’s magic & we use it on everything around here. I would put some on the affected areas then be sure I covered her bum with a liner so none of it touched the diaper, or it would definitely cause a repelling issue. It worked every time. I love this stuff:

Did you use Pullups? How did you transition out of FB & into potty training?

Noooooo pullups. She started this habit of unsnapping the diapers (I put bloomers over them for a week or so) but I was so fed up with it, that we went straight to undies! She was very eager to potty train (both self motivated & very used to the potty, as she’s been sitting on it since her first birthday) and she transitioned beautifully. The first week she had dry diapers at night, but as time went on she did lose her nighttime bladder control. We are still using two FuzziBunz a day: one during her nap (but 95% of the time she is dry) and the second overnight (it is always wet). During the day, she’s in undies!

Next up: Homemade Babyfood/Nursing/Nutrition FAQs! Happy Monday!

Hi! Hello! I am Shawna, the founder of Styleberry Blog. This creative corner of the internet has become a learning haven for moms and creatives, offering a warm and encouraging nudge to those who wish to be better and do better, but often don't know where to start. From Decorating to DIY to Diapers and Paleo-ish Dishes, I strive to make the complicated simple and empower women to take action beyond their personal comfort zone. I subscribe to the Shine Theory & so strongly believe that we shine when the women around us shine and mutual support—lifting up instead of tearing down--will always be the culture here. Are you in? I hope so! Beyond the computer, I run Styleberry Creative where I work with clients to create low fuss, high function spaces that are pretty and practical in San Antonio, Texas and beyond. I LOVE making a house a home. My own studs out renovation is now complete and I am now back to working with clients. Please don't hesitate to drop me a line if you'd like to work together! I hope you’ll join me on this fun new adventure! Xo.

