This month has been a month full of of imitation. This girl does everything I do. Right down to the inflection in my voice. She may look just like her father, but she is ALL ME. Heaven help me. I know what kind of dramatic teenager I was.
She is stirring pots. & kissing babies. & giving “loves” to rusty boy with a pat, pat, pat. Her fuse is SHORT. (can’t imagine where that came from.) & I find her wandering off to quiet when she is in busy social situations. She has very definite opinions & knows exactly what she wants. & what she doesn’t. & what she doesn’t want is to wear any other shoes but these owl shoes. She grabs them from her shoe drawer every day & brings them to me saying “whooo whoooo” and then tries to put them on herself. I melt every time. :) It’s adorable.
My little helper spent a couple long mornings without me when my parents were in town. My dad & I tackled the construction of my fun feature wall in the playroom & my mom took care of the babes. She liked to come out & see what I was doing every so often. & of course, she wanted to dive right in. I figure it’s never too early to let a girl get her paint on.
This image is courtesy of my hubby (!!). We are putting the final coat on 12 foot picture ledges that span wall to wall above the 4 ft high magnetic chalkboard paneled wall, that also runs wall to wall. It’s perfect. I love it. I just need to order the images. BIG images. :):):)
Now who is still with me? Link below if you are joining me in this project! It’s never too late to come along for the ride…’cause every mama needs pictures of her & her babe.
I am contemplating doing Project 52…a weekly image project. I am not sure I can commit. Thinking about it…anyone else doing it?