Oh my goodness. One blog post a month? One could say I have disappeared from internet-land! Indeed, I have less time on my trusty computer but this is actually one of my new year’s commitments. Less time goofing around online. Seems like every time I sit down I wind up at my desk for an hour and well, who has that kind of time!?! As my daughter is growing she is sleeping less & less & getting more mobile, thus we girls are spending a lot of time exploring the world together. Even a meowing kitty brings big, wide eyes and well, that’s what being a mom is all about. Not missing the little things. So…that being said a little update on business…
I was planning to return to work after the new year but it looks like this summer is as early as I will be back to business. I am taking a few selective newborn shoots before then, so please contact me if you are going to be delivering soon! My passion is working with the itty-bitties! For now, I am a mom first, and a photographer second. It’s what feels right. :D Can you tell?
[My friend Danielle shot a few candids of me & my sweet caroline in exchange for some head shots for her photography website. She let me get my hands on the editing and I am just thrilled. This image couldn’t be any more “us”]
Here are the other two Christmas cards my girlie landed on this year. I shot both images & created both cards. Mine is the hot pink one (of course!) and the red card is my inlaws card. Such a lucky girl!
Now, I promise you, my next post will include the nursery pictures…finally!! ;)