So, thinking my sister in law was dragging me into twitter just so our family could keep tabs on each other, I happily obliged. Little did I know how many doors this would open for me!
Tonight the EDITOR IN CHIEF of MARTHA STEWART’S EVERYDAY FOOD MAGAZINEwas asking ME about my weekly dinner plans! Seriously?!? I opened my magazine, and sure enough, her name was published right there inside! She sent a tweet directed at me & I replied and she replied…and do you know how cool technology is?! How else would I have an almost live convo with the editor of one of my favorite magazines!
Thanks Kim. I owe ya.
Follow me on Twitter…& join while you’re at it!
So now I have spoken live to Martha Stewart. I have exchanged emails with Alexis Stewart. I have twittered with the editor of a martha mag. Feelin’ kinda special! Oh wait, I can’t make fun of Palin and publish that. Feeling kind of special. :P [and how about that debate!]