Well…tonight we are in the twenties. It definitely feels like winter. How soon is too soon to decorate for christmas? I think two weeks after Halloween is perfectly acceptable. But, before we get there, here is the fall decor. Complete with Mr. Viscious himself.
(Kim, note the wedding bows put to good use)
Given we had the wettest October in history here, it has been a very strange sight–the leaves are all on the ground and fell to very GREEN grass. The color show was amazing this year, mostly because the trees were set on a bright green canvas but with the unseasonable amount of rain & warm weather, the plants did crazy things. For the very first time, I experimented this spring with some gardening and had quite a bit of success! My impatiens just finally froze this week, but they sat under a tree with no leaves for nearly a week! It looked so funny to have a blooming flowerbed at the base of a leaf-less tree! Here is my photographic ode to spring planting…now that it is all dead in my trashcan.
Impatiens, with King & Queen Froggy (I have a slight obsession with frogs)
*photo taken the week of 10/22!! Still blooming strong!
*Below is what these vibrant plants begas as…

Rusty next to my beautiful Petunias.
Front yard landscaping…Experimented with Spirea
And lastly…my backyard landscaping, mostly Hostas from the previous homeowner