Oh, where to begin. Sweet Irma. Irma is the designer behind Gifts Define & our paths crossed three years ago as I was planning caroline’s nursery. I found her in an etsy search & knew instantly that her work had a place in my home. I have never been one to decorate out of a box. I like stuff that is unique and special…and super, duper cute. I knew when designing this modern gender-neutral nursery that the Deco Mobile would be a key player (like it was in caroline’s room!), but I wanted to wait until we had the baby before designing one. Well…everett came along & caroline hand picked all her favorite animals from Irma’s collection and I must say, the girl knows how to put together a sweet little piece of art! After caroline picked the animals, Irma let me choose all the colors & features of the sweet animals. & Oh my goodness!!
Could not love it more.
& neither could everett.
I swear it’s given me just a *teensy* bit more sleep in the last few weeks–as everett sure loves staring up and admiring it. :) I can’t blame him. Thank you Irma!!!
Irma also makes crazy cute Custom Name Banners, Party/Wedding Favors, sweet little Conversation Birds and a whole collection of the most adorable Pocket Pets you’ll find anywhere! You can catch the latest updates & promotions on the Gifts Define Facebook Page. :) But my favorite new creation (how did I not see this before he was born?!) is this sweet little Baby Greetings Bird! Oh, so cute! I can think of a dozen uses–what a fun shower gift!!
Source: giftsdefine.com via miss shawna on Pinterest
& the nursery…oh the nursery. It’s almost done! You’ve seen the feature wall (above), the accent wall, the DIY Night Light Canvas…and I’ve got one wall to go. I am doing an alphabet wall & am taking my time gathering just the right letters. I’ll share the whole thing when we’re done. :)