I LOVE to bake. I dont do it very often because neither I nor my husband usually eat what I make more out of strict nutrition than anything. We are, to put it mildly, very careful about making sure we eat healthy. I always give myself one portion of whatever I make and give the rest away.
I have been a fan of Alexis Stewart, Martha’s daughter ever since I began listening to her talk show on Martha’s radio station, Sirius 112. Alexis really is the one who inspired my blog since hers is absoultely amazing. Her blog (you can find Alexis’s Blog here) is jam packed with great info about baking and cooking and little tidbits about her life. Alexis has inspired me to begin putting more thought into my baking gifts, as she claims that the goodies inside only taste as good as they look on the outside. So…I went and grabbed some of her mom’s line to package my recent baking gifts. Martha has a great line of stuff at Michaels and there are also a lot of really great packaging materials at Nashville Wraps, a company my sister in law turned me onto a couple of years ago.
Packaged for the girls! My “good luck on your residency interviews” gift.
See the pumpkins!
From the Kitchen of Shawna…someday I will have my own personalized tags.