You know how sometimes, you hear a song and you cannot refrain from hitting repeat, repeat, repeat? Well, I am in a download, play, repeat cycle here.
Every season of my life has been accompanied by a particular artist. I can hear an album and it takes me right back to exactly that time…shania takes me to colorado springs with my jetta sunroof open, crusin up & down i-25 to see my then-boyfriend-now-husband. John Mayer drops me right into senior year of college, wedding planning and eager to start my grown up future.
Well, currently the men in my life are Josh Radin & Jason Mraz. I just cannot get enough. I caught this song again on SNL this week and I am stuck on repeat. I think it speaks for exactly how I feel today, right this very second, at this point in my life. If you haven’t had the pleasure of grooving to Josh Radin yet, check him out too. Here’s my current favorite song of his.