I have wrestled with what this post should say for several months now. I am not sure this is all going to come out exactly right, but it’s coming out nonetheless. That’s what blogs are for, after all. Getting to know the person behind the business. Not just the business in front of the person.
Just over one year ago, my life was very different. I wrote this post, which summed up the start of my business. I have always been a quote person, and one in particular just spoke to me: “It’s never too late to be what you might have been” by George Eliot. This quote was motivating. It helped me believe in this vision I had for my business, which is a big one. I know what this business has the potential to be.
However, after many months, some soul searching and some significant reevaluation of my priorities I am here at this conclusion: now is not the time.
Today, I sit here with a completely different perspective. I think George Eliot is more of a dreamer than I am. This quote is no longer a source of inspiration & I even think she may be wrong. If I don’t take these precious years with my young family & give them all I’ve got, then someday it will be too late to be what I might have been. To be the mother & wife I want to be, I do not have the time for a full-fledged business. I am not interested in being mediocre, and parenting/home-keeping is no exception.
I love Love LOVE photography. I will do it for the rest of my life. Someday, when I have a few less domestic responsibilities it will be the beautiful, bustling business I know it can be. However, for right now, my time needs to be spent with, and enriching, my family. And taking pictures of them. Lots, and lots of pictures. (I mean how could you NOT…look at her!!)
That being said, I am not closing shop completely. I am simply allowing myself the freedom to work when it feels right. I have goals for this quieter time in my business life. I simply want to let each of you, who are kind enough to care about my business, know that I am still here. Limiting my work will guarantee you that when we DO work together, I can give you 100% of me. This is best for all of us. Promise. :D
So that being said, I am bringing ME back to this blog. It started as an outlet for my creative projects before there was any business to support. I feel like it has shifted towards a place of boredom for me, so I am going to start bringing back other topics beyond photography that I love & am passionate about. So hopefully you will come back for more. More creativity, more inspiration. And let me know you were here! Is there anyone still out there after my long absence?