This is what Erinn told us almost nine months ago as she surely sat in shock after discovering her little family was going to grow VERY quickly! Miraculously, she held these babies off for seven extra weeks after being put on hospital bedrest. She delivered three beautiful baby boys on February 16th. All three were three pounds and under, but grew fast and in another seven looooong weeks, these babies made their way home!
I was able to stop in & spend a morning with them and learned they are very spirited with personalities all their own! Little Noah, the tiniest of the bunch slept soundly through our shoot. Lucas, smiled and peed…and smiled and peed…and got me at least three times! I was soaked! (part of the job as a newborn photographer…I’ve left every shoot wet so far!) And Cooper, he’s going to be the trouble maker! He was poking and sucking on his little brothers and trying very hard to get them to wake up, but they all settled down and this shot is a dream come true.
Kris & Erinn, you are already amazing parents and these little boys are so lucky to have you! Thank you for letting me come & help you capture some memories. Your boys are just the most precious little miracles and I can’t wait to watch them grow!
And speaking of new additions to the family, I am making the leap! My current work setup is limiting my ability to be efficient so I will be taking my PC to the Apple store today and will be upgrading. Therefore, my access to all things internet (eek…my life!) will be limited for the next 48 hours as the mac genius’ transfer all my stuff over to my new “baby.”