Metadata: f/2.8, 1/125, ISO 4000 (taken by the hubs)
My baby is two. TWO. She isn’t really a baby at all anymore. Part of that I love & part of that makes me sad. I have lots of words to go along with her birthday story, which I will save to go along with her birthday images. But for now…we’re enjoying two. It is sweet. & sassy. & dramatic. & she is the most loving kid I’ve ever met. Luckily I am on the receiving end of the love most of the time. :)
& my blogging break is good. Really good. I am getting the rest I had been lacking for so long. & catching up on a few things that need to get completed before I come back here full force. & reading some of the things I’ve been wanting to read. & getting inspired to do even more things. So, lots to come. Promise.
p.s. thank you for the incredible amount of well wishes last week. I am so thankful for your love & support. I have read & enjoyed every single one of your comments & they mean the world to me. *mwah* :)
& if you happen to be new here & want to learn more about why my project 52 looks the way it does, head on over to
& here are the links to some of you who are doing this with me! Be sure to let me know if I missed you by adding a comment to this post. I promise to add you, as long as you link me back!
allenaim photography • Brown-Eyed Girl Photography • Bump Meet Baby • Capturing Memories • Capturing My Time • Cyan Baby Bliss • Confessions of a Baby Shopaholic • Fitori • Katie Clay Photography • Lizzi Loves… • McBabyBump • New Mom Adventure • Phreckle Face Photography • {rik-see} photography • So Much for My Plans • Surviving Endometriosis • The Buckeye Homestead • The VanDyck Family • Wicked Kate