Tag Archives: 2011 Project 52 | Motherhood is…

Project 52:38 | daydreaming

Metadata: f/2.8, 1/125, ISO 640 ••• Our big ultrasound is in a few days. & we’re going in with one demand: DO NOT TELL US THE GENDER. Though we’re completely Type A…this is one surprise we both love. But don’t think we’re unprepared. Oh, no. We’ve got the names all picked out. (They’re a secret–from...

Project 52:37 | sabotaged

Metadata: f/2.8, 1/125, ISO 3200 ••• My camera and I have not been friends lately. I think I’ve taken about a dozen images in the last month. This little one is not so much cooperative. Which, is just another lovely part of this journey. ;) Hope your life behind the lens is experiencing a wee...

Project 52:36 | do-overs

Metadata: lensbaby, 1/125, ISO 3200 ••• It’s all coming together. First, the pregnancy. Then, the right “midwife trapped in the body of an OBGYN” doctor. Now, the doula. I am so excited for a second chance at childbirth & am assuming a lot more responsibility this time. I am reading more. Learning more. Talking about...

Project 52:35 | high-tech

Metadata: f/2.8, 1/125, ISO 400 ••• I read an article on CNN.com this week that said forty out of 50 states are phasing out the teaching of cursive in public school. My heart sunk. The article further explained that in lieu of handwriting, children will be learning digital skills in computer classes–as schools just don’t...

Project 52:34 | priorities

Metadata: lensbaby, 1/640, ISO 200 ••• & right now…I am making sleep the priority. So goes it with a toddler & a baby the size of a lemon in my belly. ::yawn:: but be sure to head over to The Creative Mama again today to see Michele’s take on Part 2 of our collaboration. I...

Project 52:33 | shifty

Metadata: f/2.8, 1/80, ISO 5000 ••• As you can guess…the maternity clothes have come out of hiding. Except I have a problem. Two actually. But both are good problems. This pregnancy is starting exactly six months after the last one, according to the calendar year. The good news: I will not be delivering this baby...

Project 52:32 | two

Metadata: f/2.8, 1/125, ISO 4000 (taken by the hubs) ••• My baby is two. TWO. She isn’t really a baby at all anymore. Part of that I love & part of that makes me sad. I have lots of words to go along with her birthday story, which I will save to go along with...

Project 52:30 | musical

Metadata: f/2.8, 1/100, ISO 4000 ••• Oh my stars. My voice needs a break. “Bitsy spider” is the hot song right now & I have read/sang that book about ten times a day for the last week. She has a pile of books with spiders in them & she will go through them kissing every...

Hi! Hello! I am Shawna, the founder of Styleberry Blog. This creative corner of the internet has become a learning haven for moms and creatives, offering a warm and encouraging nudge to those who wish to be better and do better, but often don't know where to start. From Decorating to DIY to Diapers and Paleo-ish Dishes, I strive to make the complicated simple and empower women to take action beyond their personal comfort zone. I subscribe to the Shine Theory & so strongly believe that we shine when the women around us shine and mutual support—lifting up instead of tearing down--will always be the culture here. Are you in? I hope so! Beyond the computer, I run Styleberry Creativewhere I work with clients to create low fuss, high function spaces that are pretty and practical in San Antonio, Texas and beyond. I LOVE making a house a home. My own studs out renovation is almost complete and I am now back to working with clients. Please don't hesitate to drop me a line if you'd like to work together! I hope you’ll join me on this fun new adventure! Xo.

