taking a break to say thanks…

Today is about being thankful. We often forget this as we stress about travel, cooking, entertaining…etc. But today, I am grateful.

This year has been one of the BEST year ever. I am thankful that I have a wonderful husband who tells and shows me he loves me every single day of the year. I am thankful I found him as early as I did and that he is my best friend on this earth. I am thankful for my family. My parents always tried very hard to make the holidays a magical & exciting time of year and I love that about them. I will continue this tradition of celebration for as long as I am alive. I am thankful for my brother and his kind & caring soul. I love that my grandparents are every bit as enthusiastic about life and love as they ever have been. They are a wonderful model of long lasting love. I am thankful that after 11 years, I have developed the kind of relationship with my inlaws that I always dreamed of having. I appreciate my MIL’s craziness & wisdom, my FIL’s incredible handiness & generosity, my SIL K’s never ending encouragement & drive and my SIL C’s passion & bravery about her new direction in life. Oh any my niece…ahh my niece. I love her to pieces and enjoy watching her grow, even if it’s from videos on facebook. I am thankful that my doggy, who gave us a great health scare this year, is as happy and energetic as ever. My kitten pie is thriving and has found her inner snuggler, something she has never been before. She makes me smile everyday as she sits on the bathtub & hangs out while I shower and get ready. I am thankful to have reached a huge career goal I set for myself as an employee, won the top award and walked away with my head high, a great reputation and a few lifelong friends. I am thankful that I found the courage to pursue my dream of having my own business. I always dreamed of this and now I am living it. I am thankful we made some smart financial decisions and were able to purchase a home that is just perfect for us right now, and is in a location that allows me to garden year round. I am thankful for my BFF and all that she is to me. Her friendship means the world to me. I am thankful for my girlfriends, all strong, motivated women who inspire & encourage me to be a better woman. I am thankful for my health & the health of my family. I am thankful that I found yoga again and there is nothing in this world that makes me feel as physically sound as yoga. I am thankful that I have figured out how to use a camera so I can continue to capture moments that will live on forever. I am thankful for so much this year, so much that I could keep going & going…

I always go back to a quote by Warren Buffet that concludes that at the end of life it’s not about what you have, it’s about who you have. This year I have worked very hard on “who” I have because what more is there in life? What more do you really need than a good collection of people you love & love you back?

Not much, I’d say.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi! Hello! I am Shawna, the founder of Styleberry Blog. This creative corner of the internet has become a learning haven for moms and creatives, offering a warm and encouraging nudge to those who wish to be better and do better, but often don't know where to start. From Decorating to DIY to Diapers and Paleo-ish Dishes, I strive to make the complicated simple and empower women to take action beyond their personal comfort zone. I subscribe to the Shine Theory & so strongly believe that we shine when the women around us shine and mutual support—lifting up instead of tearing down--will always be the culture here. Are you in? I hope so! Beyond the computer, I run Styleberry Creative where I work with clients to create low fuss, high function spaces that are pretty and practical in San Antonio, Texas and beyond. I LOVE making a house a home. My own studs out renovation is now complete and I am now back to working with clients. Please don't hesitate to drop me a line if you'd like to work together! I hope you’ll join me on this fun new adventure! Xo.
