We call them BFBs in our family. Big ‘effin bows.
& I decided to start making them. Well, not really bows, but those artsy ruffley flowers I love but can’t ever find made ‘just right.’ I sat down one night & started tutorial hunting. My first inspiration was this, and I just had to learn how to do it myself. I had been itching to start crafting & now was the time.
Crafting is like therapy for me. I am most definitely an introvert. a WHAT? I know. Doesn’t seem to make much sense, but a recent discussion in my MOPS small group led to the clarification that extroverts get their energy from other people, while introverts get their energy from time spent solo. I most definitely get rejuvenated when I am all by myself, latte in hand, sirius coffeehouse in the background & with my sewing machine, glue gun & beautiful fabric staring me in the face. It used to be baking (and sometimes still is) but my very fond memories all involve a very strong element of quiet. Quiet time soothes my soul. But productivity brings me joy. Somehow, I have found a really great balance. :)
I am going to link the tutorials I used to make the flowers. I clipped them to Evernote, filed & tagged nicely in my ‘crafts’ folder so I could pull them up on my iPad while I was working. This is quite the system..sosososo nice! caroline was having some independent playtime at my feet on Saturday morning & that is when things got going. Okay…tutorials…
- For the ruffled flower, I sewed a loose stitch, then gathered as shown here. Then, I basically just hot glued it, right side down, to a circle of felt & followed the circle around. I was inspired here, but made it up as I went along. Then I glued a clip to another small piece of felt & glued the two pieces of felt together to clip on a headband or in the hair later when she has some. ;)
- For the rolled flower, I used the tutorial here.
- Red flower was purchased at Hobby Lobby & I just added some lace & a clip–thought it would be cute for the holidays.
- All fabric & supplies are from Hobby Lobby. Except the linen/orange bow. That is made from remnants of my kitchen curtains!
- I have a few more different tutorials to try & when I do I will share. :)
Many of you have also asked where I get caroline’s other headbands & they are almost all from local crafters near me or my mom in the Bay Area, or from etsy. Some of my favorite etsy finds are:
- Stretchy Headbands you can clip stuff onto, found here.
- Double Layer Crochet Flower, found here & seen on caroline here. Her solid colored crochet flowers are from someone local, and I was so sad that they were not at the recent Holiday Ole Market! :( Looking for crocheters to make me some…I’ll promote you!!
- Cute felted flowers, found here.
- & I *just* placed an order for something custom from The Purple Chameleon, for our upcoming family session.
& I prefer detachable flowers. I like that I can clip them to things other than her head, & I do! Sweaters, hair, belts.
But why is the bow-tique closing? Well…this is what caroline thought of my favorite creation of the weekend… :(
so so so so very sad. My friend Rhonda told me I should start treating her bow like part of her anatomy, so that is what we are working on. head, shoulders, knees, & bows…knees & bows… :(((