There is nothing in this world quite like the feeling I have after getting a good bargain. I don’t know how to explain it, but once I find that I have paid a less than I should have for something fantastic, my heart beats a little faster, a little harder and I smirk…just a little. I imagine this is kind of the feeling thieves have when they get something for nothing. How addicting! I totally get it!
My favorite stores to shop for decor are HomeGoods, TJ Maxx & Mashalls. There are so many bargains to be had and most of the items are one of a kind pieces. Many high design magazines use HomeGoods all the time for the staging of the rooms they feature. One of my rugs, MY RUGS (!!), that I scored for $20 at TJ Maxx in Sioux Falls, South Dakota was featured in an article in Better Homes & Gardens a couple of months ago! I was shocked (and giddy beyond belief!)! Well…the rug fairy has blessed me again!
I have developed this horrible habit known as my “happy Tuesday.” Every Tuesday morning I go to my kick-butt yoga class and then finish off the morning at the TJ Maxx…that shares a parking lot with my gym. DANGER! I haven’t found much lately, but yesterday…yesterday I sure did! I still have three rooms & two bathrooms to decorate in my new home and am constantly searching for just the right inspiration. I am taking my time so I can do it right. We have decided to turn our downstairs “extra room” into a den/reading room. I want to make it masculine & swanky and get a nicer desk & a pair of hefty leather chairs to curl up in & read. It’s open right now, but we will put french doors to close it off & I am contemplating built in bookcases flanking the window. I think i am going to paint the ceiling & keep the walls neutral (just cause it is interesting). I figure my hard working hubby deserves a really nice place to study. So I was looking for my starting piece, a rug of some sort, to start building the room around. I think I found it.
I found this rug (pictured) and was very eager to get home & google the designer on the rug to see how much it was worth. It had a lot of qualities that are only found in higher end rugs, so I knew it was worth something more than I paid. The rug is grooved where the stripes are, and the stripes aren’t solid colored, which I loved. B&W is nice, but too harsh for my home. Turns out my instincts were right…my little $199 bargain is currently being sold at Macy’s, and retails for $669. Now, that’s a great find! I have visions of a drum light chandelier & a wall of ledge shelves with all the important documents & diplomas we’ve got lying around here. Give me a year…it will probably take me that long to complete! But…the process has started!
But, the point of this post is really this: take some time to peruse the home section of your local bargain stores. There are some GREAT brand name pieces to be had at a fraction of the retail price!!