I found my Ziploc divided rectangle container at my local SuperTarget.
& a note/update on random things food related…
- caroline does still use her PlanetBox at school. We use this for play dates & random picnics.
- I do not heat it in the microwave. I don’t heat hardly any of E’s food and if I do, it is microwaved in glass.
- I usually have three of these in the fridge for feeding everett. I put bits of our leftovers in there and some stuff I steam just for him. I haaaaaate pulling out a dozen containers at one time & this makes it so easy. I set all three out for dinner, give him a bit of pretty much all the food & see what he’s feeling that meal, then give him more of what he’s digging. Works great!
- I did use this container for homemade purees for the short time I used them. He was finger feeding several weeks into eating (by 7 months) and has been feeding himself for months now. This is the biggest difference I’ve seen compared to caroline–he was self sufficient faster. Part of that is my inability to sit & feed him with another child needing me, & the other part is that he is impressively coordinated and took to feeding himself right away, fighting the spoon. I was too tired to force the spoon & why bother? Self sufficient eaters work for me! ;)
- I road tripped recently with a half dozen of these in a cooler–packed several meals in one for everett, and one per meal for caroline. I cannot tell you how wonderful it worked. We had a fridge in our hotel & we never had to eat out.
Happy Friday!! More of these to come–I swear I have a dozen in queue…just recovering from Everett’s birthday party. Yep. You read that right. wahhhhhhhhh!!! :*(