Infertility is a topic very near & dear to my heart. We don’t often talk about it. We think it’s our private battle. We tear up every time we hear the words “I’m pregnant” wondering why we aren’t. Why did it happen so easily for her? What is wrong with me? Why is this happening to me? I am the ONLY one who is not a mother. Surely, the only one. The tears fall down our cheeks. and we hope. and pray. and try to keep our marriages together when romance seems to go out the window, because it’s that time of the month to try everything to make it happen. & then it doesn’t. & we’re a mess on the floor. again. and again. and again.
Sound familiar? I hope not. But if it does…I am writing this today to tell you one thing…you are not alone.
This week is National Infertility Awareness Week. Time to reach out to those around us who might be struggling. Providing stories of hope to those who need it. Many of you know my journey & have followed it from the beginning, as this blog existed long before there was ever a baby to talk about. You read my story of infertility round one. Then, infertility round two. How I appreciate motherhood. Followed by my story of loss. I am one of the lucky ones. & I don’t take that for granted. Not one single day.
RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association is encouraging participation in the BUST AN INFERTILITY MYTH challenge. Since hearing stories of success from women who had the same issues that I did were my one comfort during that dark period of my life, I wanted to be sure to participate. If I can help one person, this is worth it. One success story is all we need to hear. While I have many compounded problems when it comes to getting pregnant, that is not where my struggle ends. It’s actually just the beginning. So here’s my busted myth:
MYTH: You cannot carry a baby to term with an Arcuate Uterus.
BUSTED. I am proof. My daughter is proof. Despite all concerns and statistics…we did it. She made it. 39 +4d. :)
You never really want to hear the words “that’s interesting” when your reproductive endocrinologist has a wand pressing on your uterus. You never want him to turn the screen to you & show you that your uterus looks “like the head of an owl” thanks to two little peaks. Being “medically interesting” is just not that interesting. Promise. But what is interesting is that all the studies and science and statistics that were thrown my way were trumped by my daughter. My baby girl, who arrived at 39 +4 days. My perfect, beautiful baby girl that I longed for all my life. She busted the myth. Little feisty thing was a fighter right from the start. We beat the odds.
& for the details: I have (among other things) a severe arcuate uterus & a suspected septum. An arcuate uterus is not usually the cause of infertility and conflicting & inadequate research leaves question on it’s impact on carrying a baby to term. Women who have a septum have a high risk of recurrent miscarriage (44%), due to inadequate blood flow to the fetus if it implants on the septum. (however, my recent miscarriage was likely not a result of my suspected septum, rather it was ruled chromosomal) If you would like to learn more, this is a great comprehensive article on Uterine Anomalies.
I will never forget what my RE told me when we started talking about baby #2…”no matter what tests we do, what we seek to find, we already have the one test that proves that none of them really matter: your daughter.” :) He is right. & I still have faith that it will happen again for us. & end a little happier than the last time.
Please continue to share your stories of hope. Your impact is immeasurable. You just never know how much the words you say may help someone else.
To understand more about infertility & this great organization, please visit: What is Infertility? and National Infertility Awareness Week.