Looks like CRAP. No really. Hate my furniture. Hate my bedroom (which let me tell you, is NOT the room in the house you want to hate). On the verge of hating the house because apparently my design expertise doesn’t exist outside ekru, olive, chocolate and russet. (those are colors, promise)
So…ordered duvet #2 which allegedly would make color #1 work. Negative. Made me hate it more.
Now I am $60 in the whole on shipping because someone thought San Antonio didn’t need a crate & barrel. Ready to paint the room a new color and ahhhhh[higher note]ahhhhhh[lowest note]ahhhh…I visited target. Found the piece that will tie it all together. hallelujah. I can now sleep soundly.
Now color goes with duvet #3 [well, we’ll see when it comes in the mail, ordered in clay] which is tied together by this lovely throw.
crisis averted…
[bedroom now…]
[pintucked duvet…bottom of the pile…backordered till september and yes, the colors are off on the screen…]