I don’t know about you, but I love watching other photographers work. I love seeing what they see. I love watching how they interact. & I think it is also a really great way to learn. I get asked a bunch of questions about shooting–when, where, how, with what & sometimes, it’s nice just to see. Thanks to my lovely collaboration with Michele (Pinkle Toes!) over on The Creative Mama, I finally have some images of ME shooting! Now, you know the things I love to shoot are (a) my daughter & (b) a newborn, but this is a nice little peek into some behind-the-scenes action. & I thought it was worth another look, in case you missed Michele’s article on Friday. You can tell who shot what by looking at the watermark…
This first image is what I like to call the test run. First shots seem to never ever be keepers for me. This was no exception. No reflective light. Kiddos not yet in the groove. Mama not yet in the groove. snap, snap, snap. Relocate. (buuuuuump!)
I have started to get in quite the habit of shooting with my sweet girl by my side. She was with me at this shoot & this one. & the other day at a playdate my friend nudged me & asked if I stood on chairs a lot when I shot…because there was caroline. Going from chair to chair with a toy camera snapping away. GUILTY! ;) I’m short. & my recent subjects have ALL been at least five inches taller than me. Chairs are a necessity! Unless I am shooting kiddos–then I put them on chairs. Then they don’t move. (as fast)
I bribe kids with “seeing it.” It usually works! Um, & please don’t take any camera safety pointers from me. I definitely forgot to snap on my strap that day. Big no-no!!
I love this diptych–I definitely saw this in b&w. Michele saw it in vibrant color. I love them both!
Headshots are some of my favorite things to do. Open shade is yummy.
Thanks for bouncing all over to check out all the components of this fun shoot over the last few days. Again, big thanks to Julie for the fab ZoZoBugBaby dresses. & oh, Michele. These sweet new images you gave me of my girl–I will treasure them forever. Have you all noticed the updated profile pictures? If not, click the “meet shawna” link above. I am in LOVE. ;) If you are a photographer (or want to be one) you might want to check out Michele’s PT4P–which I have been a member of since its first year. It’s a wonderful resource!!
Happy Monday!