Rusty went for his very first day at the brand spankin’ new Camp Bow Wow Omaha and had a blast! If you are a dog lover and havent checked out this new franchise business yet you might want to. It functions both as a doggy day care and an overnight “camping” service with locations opening around the country. I think it is very affordable and boy, did he have fun! One of the coolest parts of the business is the 10 camper cams located all over the indoor/outdoor facility. My family gave me text message updates of what he was doing all day long while I was out on the road. You can also download the program for your palm so you can check up on your pooch!
A few notes from Rusty’s “D-Tails” card:
-I played with my friends in the doggy cabins in the outdoor play area
-I played with Cash(a german shepherd) and realized I like the water bottle
-I was sooo good I got a treat
-I had so much fun playing at camp, I need to go home and take a nap
-I was an ACTIVE camper!
-My overall experience was 5 TAIL WAGS!
Do you especially like the spit-stache?