Dear loyal styleberryBLOG readers,
You have seen me through the ups and downs of many things. Let’s recap:
The birth of styleberry HOME in 2008.
(If you need some inspo for how far you can come in a decade…just search my site for stuff from back then…I don’t even have the heart to link it!)
The journey of infertility in 2008.
The shift to styleberry PHOTO in 2009…a bug that never left.
First time motherhood in 2009.
Homemade Babyfood in 2010.
Cloth Diapering in 2011.
Miscarriage in 2011.
The birth of the stylebabylog in 2012.
The beautiful unmedicated birth of my second born in 2012.
Losing the Baby Weight in 2012.
Stepping away in 2014.
The wrestle of work + motherhood in 2015.
Residency + Fellowship life, and the challenges of being Married to Medicine from 2004-2016. That’s right. Surgical training…PGY8.
Reno by Styleberry in 2017
Following my own career dreams…2018.
& now, the joy of running my very own boutique Interior Design firm in San Antonio, TX, dba Styleberry Creative Interiors as of 2019.
It’s been a heck of a journey. & I have grown in, and despite of, the pain that accompanied the last chapter of life. I wouldn’t be here, or the person I am today, without my experiences.
This post will close the beautiful door to this home of my thoughts, ideas and decade long journey that was the beginning of styleberry.
I invite you to join me in the next chapter, where I will still be speaking from the same heart that greets you here on these pages. But now, I am speaking as CEO of something more than just my household. I have yet to determine which role I find greater joy in…but I bet you can guess which way I lean. (Hint: It’s the one that doesn’t include filing payroll taxes!) Join me?
Styleberry Creative Interiors Blog
Cheers to a beautiful new chapter of life!

Photo of me in our Peacock Farm Project by Madeline Harper Photography