Whew. Is it hot by you? It’s crazy hot here. I mean the entire week is 100+° and it’s not the first of those we’ve had the last couple of months. I am so ready for a break. Until then..you can find us in the water!
I realized this week that I am getting a LOT of the same questions over & over and for the sake of efficiency, I am going to do a couple of FAQ posts. Based on the volume of random (but really good!) questions presented over on the styleberry facebook page, it looks like I’ll be breaking this up into categories & answering away. So here is your chance to ask me anything! If there is something you’ve been dying to know, leave me a comment & I’ll add it to the list for answering on the blog soon. ;)
Meanwhile…stay cool! Coming tomorrow–no sew blackout curtains & some fun details from caroline’s nursery that I’ve never talked about before! :)