Category Archives: cloth diapering

my pretty christmas | & of course, some DIY holiday cheer

I am amazed at how much can be accomplished when I give myself the freedom to NOT be glued to the internet. After reading this (which I HIGHLY recommend taking the time to peruse!!) I was reminded that I needed to rest my typing fingers & start using my hands. I have started & finished...

Mama Knows | FuzziBunz Newsletter Feature!

I was incredibly honored when I was asked to be the featured “Mama Knows” for the current FuzziBunz newsletter! Hello to those of you who linked here when you received your newsletter today!! I am so glad you are here! Here is my Q&A. HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!

YEAR ONE | Lessons. Lessons. Lessons.

This year has been a year of tremendous personal growth for me. I have learned many lessons, but there are three in particular have really changed me. I thought I’d share. Since I am into “looking back” this week. 1. Being critical and judgmental is just a waste of energy. So are friends that bring...

Mama Knows! | FuzziBunz Newsletter Feature

So…today I got proof that simply having a very expensive camera in your hands, doesn’t mean you can take an awesome picture. Lordy. I handed my “other’ baby off to my hubby to shoot and this was the ONLY picture that was even close to salvageable. Yowza. FuzziBunz has decided to feature *me* in the...

thank you. 988 times. (!!!)

It was kind of like Christmas morning. Minus everything I love about Christmas. Except the suspense. As I sat down with my giant latte this morning to check my google analytics page, my heart skipped a beat. My Cloth Diapering for the Modern Mom post has received a lot of attention recently and after comments...

Hi! Hello! I am Shawna, the founder of Styleberry Blog. This creative corner of the internet has become a learning haven for moms and creatives, offering a warm and encouraging nudge to those who wish to be better and do better, but often don't know where to start. From Decorating to DIY to Diapers and Paleo-ish Dishes, I strive to make the complicated simple and empower women to take action beyond their personal comfort zone. I subscribe to the Shine Theory & so strongly believe that we shine when the women around us shine and mutual support—lifting up instead of tearing down--will always be the culture here. Are you in? I hope so! Beyond the computer, I run Styleberry Creativewhere I work with clients to create low fuss, high function spaces that are pretty and practical in San Antonio, Texas and beyond. I LOVE making a house a home. My own studs out renovation is almost complete and I am now back to working with clients. Please don't hesitate to drop me a line if you'd like to work together! I hope you’ll join me on this fun new adventure! Xo.
